- A large main image of a recognisable or new and upcoming band/artist.
- Storeys or features that the target audience will have a interest in.
- Two or three main colours used throughout.
- Often free offers, (band tickets, posters etc.)
- Masthead is large and iconic, recognisable from issue to issue.
- Bar code, price, date.
- Lots of sub-storeys of different bands that may interest there target audience.
- Same font used throughout
My music magazines genre is indie/alternative music, a genre that mas become more and more popular over the years with new and upcoming bands attracting more attention through being recognised via Internet and also festivals and concerts which my target audience frequently attend. I have chosen to create a indie/alternative magazine as I feel that this genre could be potentially hybrid as it can also include many genres into this, so attracting as many readers as possible by including something in it for different intrests.
I am going to aim my magazine primarily at both males and females ages 16-22, my secondary audience is music enthusiasts of all ages who enjoy this genre of music,but perhaps won't as interested in all the features as my primary audience will hopefully be. As my magazine is based on a specific genre of music it makes the audience quite niche, meaning we will need to maintain a good reader writer relationship. In terms of uses and gratification, the social interaction they will gain is that they will be able to fit in with peers who share common interest. The magazine will affect peoples personal identity as the bands featured in the magazine will become roll model, and style icons to the teenage audience, the people featured in the magazine will possess idyllic lifestyles that the teenagers will aspire to have making them aspirers. Considering the hypodermic needle theory I will inform and praise the genre of music, rather than just instising and forcing them into my point of view about the music.
NME is one of the most successful music magazine in the UK, it suits its target audiences interests perfectly as it knows exactly what to include each week. The cover is simple and clear, NME has a noticeable house style which it sticks to each week meaning the layout is iconic and recognisable. A large main image of a successful artist taking up the whole center third of the cover mean that instantly, with out picking up the magazine, the audience will know what is the main story on the magazine. Down the left hand side of the cover there is sub stories, the names of the bands emboldened. Musically different bands listed down the side making sure they are appealing to other musical tastes, (trying to fit something in for everyone). Free offers are used to entice the audience further into purchasing the magazine, they are offering free music that they know there audience will enjoy, making it beneficial to the reader to buy the magazine. The typography used throughout is very simple, block capitals, in red and white making it stand out from the dark background image.
Kerrang music magazine cover is a lot more cluttered and a has a fairly 'old fashioned' house style. Different to NME it has 8 images on the cover rather than one main one. The mast head is large and takes up the top third of the page, although it is partially covered by the main image the iconic logo is still readable and noticed. The large main image isn't of a necessarily well known artist perhaps making the audiences for this issue slightly more niche, as Kerrang often appeals to a slightly older audience rather than 15 years plus, perhaps they are trying appeal to different new audiences. Many different fonts are used throughout making the page lack cohesion and less sophisticated, although as the genre is rock music, maybe they are trying to link the array of fonts with the lively musical genre. The stories around the side suggest that they are more interview based rather than review based like NME. At the top above the mast head, they have details of a competition where the reader has a chance to enter to win tickets to a very well known band enticing the reader to buy to gain more information. Also, they have put in a addition free offer of posters inside the magazine, they know that some people will buy the magazine simply because of that.
I think that the NME cover is much more successful in appealing to their target audience and suiting there interests that KERRANG, as NME has a more sophisticated and tidy house style, making it seem instantly more knowledgeable. The way that KERRANGs cover is full of images makes it less appealing to the eye, its feels as if they are trying to cram as much in as possible to attracted as many people are possible, whereas in NME they do this much more subtly with just a list of bands names, which are all musically different appealing to other audiences.
Kerrangs contents page is different to the often quite basic layouts that most other music magazines choose. Instead of having one main image Kerrang used multiple images to support the features on the contents. In the top left hand corner there is a editor letter, where they give a brief summary of there opinion of something that is in the magazine that week. Down the left hand side there is a contents with different articles under various topics such as, Gigs, Live reviews, Icons, Swag. They still use there house style colour scheme of yellow and black on a white background. They use the yellow on certain texts and headlines to attract attention.
Similar to NMEs house style, the layout of the double page spread is structured and neatly arranged. This main images takes up over half of the double page meaning there is little writing. There is also a very large heading, ' "people think I'm a attention seekers, but I'm just honest" ' The large statement is instantly what you read when you turn the page, the nature of the typography is very striking and reckless, which links to the main subject Lily Allens characteristics. Small hints of red around the text links both the pages and the image together giving a flow between the two different sides of the page.
Kerrangs double page layouts is similar to NMEs in that there is a large main image taking up one of the double page, they've chosen to use a strong image which reflects the genre and natures of the magazine/article. The articles is supported by a three further images, which are ascetically similar to the main image. There is not a large amount of writing on the double page, They have a section down the right hand side where they have reviewed the bands new songs, I think this section is successful as it add a new dimension and a interesting feature to the page. They've used words such as 'WORLD EXLUSIVE' but putting these in red and bold it instantly draws them to the audiences attention.
These are a selection of the images that I took. They all have a similar colour, quite dark, but bright areas to highlight, contrast has been changed to make the images look more defined. When choosing the image that I want to use in my magazine I chose what I thought was the most attractive image, by seeing what works best on each page, I will trial using different images in different places on my products to see which suits where. When taking these images I thought about the location where they we're taken, against a white wall (simple, and easily manipulated) against a brick wall (interesting image, perhaps to be used on double/contents page) and also outside which creates a more natural less posed image, suitable for double page or contents. I think that for my media products I will use the images that are the strongest, in that I mean the ones which attract the eye, captivate, and represent the audience/genre of magazine/music.